Saturday, January 15, 2011

I can't keep my trunk off you!

Canon EOS 7D
1/400th sec.
ISO 320
EFS 18-135mm IS 3.5-5.6 @ 18mm

I'm sorry for the 'post title'. I know its cheesy but it kind of seemed to work for this picture. I was amazed at these two elephants. They really did seem so in love. One of the workers at the game park told us that they spent all their time together and were pretty much inseparable.

This is obviously not normal behavior for elephants as males generally tend to live solitary lives or form small bachelor herds. It goes to show the effects captivity has on animal behavior. It is extremely sad for me to think that despite efforts to stop hunting and poaching of these animals, their numbers in the wild continue to fall. Perhaps one day the only place to see elephants will be somewhere like the Knysna Elephant Park, and that is a sad thought.

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