Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cape Town at night

Nikon D40x
20 sec.
ISO 200
Nikon AF-S 18-55mm 3.5-5.6 @ 30mm

I'm off to Cape Town tomorrow! I love Cape Town. It is a city that has a little bit of everything, but enough of everything to keep everyone happy. Especially me! I have always lived by the sea. I grew up in Dubai and we pretty much lived at the beach in those days (at one point we did ACTUALLY live on the beach). After I finished high school in Knysna the obvious place for me to go to college was Cape Town. I could have gone anywhere I suppose but i wanted to be close to the sea as well as be in the bustle of the city. Where better than Cape Town?

Cape Town at night is a fantastic place. Not only is it alive and vibrant, it is also beautiful. With Table Mountain illuminated on clear summer nights it sets the perfect back drop for the city lights adding such a contrast between nature's creation and human imagination.

I took this photo one night a few months ago whilst at the V&A Waterfront. Just happened to be wondering around with nothing to do... Actually I think I was waiting to see a movie with my sister or something and I happened to have my camera along with a tripod. I was glad that I managed to avoid camera wobble with such a long shutter speed. At the time it was actually quite difficult to see Table Mountain in the background and I was really happy when I saw how well it had showed up in the photographs!

It's my girlfriend's 21st birthday on Saturday, so I'm also going to Johannesburg on Friday... I've never been before which is slightly odd seeing that i have been living in South Africa for over six years now. I haven't had a reason to go. I am really looking forward to the trip and her party. Should be a blast.

Until I return...

By the way.. please feel free to comment on my posts. This is my first blog and if anyone has any pointers, tips or suggestions on how i can improve please feel free to let me know. Would be much appreciated.. Of course all criticism is welcome :)

Thanks P.S.

1 comment:

  1. absolutely b.e.a.utiful!!!! stunning stunning stunning! well done P.S. your photography is only going to get better!
