Monday, January 10, 2011

First Post

Nikon D40x
f 9
1/25 sec.
ISO 200
Nikon AF 70-210mm f4-5.6 @ 70mm

So I decided that I would begin writing on the 1st of December but I never got round to it... Something that is fairly common for me. Being easily distracted I tend to put things off until i eventually come back to them.

I've been in Knysna, part of the renowned Garden Route in South Africa, for the past month or so on holiday before I return to Cape Town to continue studying. The weather here has been particularly dull this summer with lots of overcast days and rain. For once, the resivoirs are full and the common water shortage warnings are not as servere. The infrequent hot, sunny days end with a short downpour, creating a tropical feeling that I'm not used to here. It reminds me of a summer we spent in Florida where every day at about 3pm there would be a massive electrical storm.

The cloudy weather does however provide some spectacular sunsets. On this particular day it rained continuously until late in the afternoon. I was at a friend's house on the Eastern Knysna Head and the sun came out for the last 20 minutes of the afternoon. Luckily, having a camera with me most of the time, I managed to take this shot as the sun dipped behind some clouds, before setting for the evening. The sunset definitely made up for the crap weather we had earlier on.

Check back soon.. (if anyone ever actually reads this haha)

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