Sunday, February 6, 2011

Waiting for Waves

Canon EOS 7D
1/500th sec.
ISO 100
EFS 18-135mm F3.5-5.6 @ 135mm

I've been enjoying life closer to the CBD. Its nice trying to find new places to eat and shop, not that I've been having too much luck... I guess I'll have to look a little harder! I had to spend most of the week at my new flat as there have been people here constantly painting and fixing all the little problems that there are. Things that should have been done before i moved in!

Today was the first day I have had a lot of free time so i took the opportunity to go for a walk along the promenade in Sea Point with my girlfriend. It's a really nice casual walk along the waters edge. It was busy as it usually is on a Saturday when the weather is as nice as it was. Women with push chairs pacing along at speed seem to be in such a rush to just get the daily walk over and done with or maybe its a way of exercising with your baby. Then there are the dog walkers and the old people who sit on the benches for hours on end staring out at the horizon as if waiting for something to happen.

We came across two young boys who were watching the small waves roll in and splash against the sea wall. occasionally a larger wave would roll in and send water shooting up over the side and onto the promenade sending them running for cover, laughing and joking with each other. I snapped the shot above as they stared at the splash from a wave a little further down. After i had taken the shot and walked back a little another one hit right in front of them, completely soaking one of the boys who wasn't paying attention. A very amusing moment for every onlooker as well as the boy himself.

Until I get outside again! P.S.

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