Sunday, February 13, 2011

Saturday Shopping

Canon EOS 7D
1/100th sec.
ISO 320
EFS 18-135mm f3.5-5.6 IS @ 18mm

This morning I woke up relatively early for a Saturday, as I was going to see a flat with Joss, my girlfriend. It was in Woodstock and after we had viewed it, which took all of three minutes, we decided to go to the Old Biscuit Mill. I don't often go on a Saturday morning but when I do I thoroughly enjoy it.

Upon arriving we were greeted by the same usual dilemma.. where are we going to park!? It took the good part of 20 minutes just trying to find somewhere relatively close by to park the car. After discovering a small, improvised car park a block away, which cost 10 rand, we parked and made our way along the bustling streets of Woodstock to the market.

I had already had breakfast but the sight of hundreds of people gorging themselves on things that smelled so delicious was to much to bear and we headed for the food stalls after popping into a photography gallery/shop which sells Diana 35mm film cameras as well as a few others. The amount of people that cram themselves in between the endless isles of stalls, selling the most awesome food, is unreal. You almost have to go with the flow rather than try to fight your way through crowds. We stopped at a few stores and talked to the makers/sellers of the wonderful food and sampled various things. I tried amazing chillies and other condiments which i had to drag myself away from buying; otherwise I would have bought everything.

We stopped at a stall selling very nice looking sushi and bought a few pieces to eat. I always think that if sushi looks better, it'll taste better. This is the case sometimes but luckily this time it was. However, the problem we encountered was trying to find somewhere to sit and eat! Every table was packed full of people so after much searching we decided to just stand and eat, not such an easy task with sushi. I managed to knock the little bowl of soy sauce that we had been given out of Joss' hands, which went absolutely everywhere when it hit the floor, including the trousers of all the people standing close to us. Feeling guilty i pulled Joss away and made a quick getaway! Sorry whoever you are. I hope it comes out.

We bumped into a lot of people we knew around the market and chatted to people we had never met before and will probably never meet again. The friendly, jovial atmosphere of the place is something that I haven't experienced in too many other places and it is unfortunate that there are not more of these social gatherings going on. Watching people chat so happily to one another fills me with a sense well being and joy, making me enjoy the environment even more.

Whilst standing out of the way at the end of a line of stalls, I captured this moment between a lady selling beautiful cakes and her customer. She was telling her an amusing story about something or another, (I couldn't really hear for the hustle and bustle) and both of them kept laughing on and off for a good while. Having clearly just met, brought together by a love for great food, it was as if they had know each other for years. For me this picture captured what the market is all about.

Canon EOS 7D
1/100th sec.
ISO 250
EFS 18-135 f3.5-5.6 IS @ 44mm

The variety and quality of the food is absolutely amazing. I wish the market happened everyday so that I could do all my food shopping there. There are amazing breads, cakes, meats, fish, vegetables, herbs and spices, the list goes on forever. There is simply so much on offer as well as a huge variety of drinks, homemade as well as mass produced ones. Before leaving I had a bacon butty from a stall named Dasdog. It was amazing! Sour dough beard from Knead, with lots of streaky bacon on a bed of rocket, finished off with a few balsamic onions and a little tomato sauce. Absolutely fantastic is all i can say. Joss had a rooibos iced tea from the same place which she also claimed to be amazing. I don't like tea so i cant give you my verdict but you should take her word for it.

Two other things he caught my eye were the crayfish (pictured above) and a steak sandwich made with beef fillet. The sandwich looked unbelievable and is definitely something that I am going to be having the next time i go. I love shellfish, especially crayfish and lobster! I was so tempted to order some crayfish which smelt great and looked even better but i decided to leave it for another time. At least it gives me a reason to go back! They did however make for a nice photo. We finally left but not before buying a nice small jar of fresh, hot chillies for me to enjoy with whatever they will go nicely with; which is everything!!

If you haven't been to the Old Biscuit Mill on a Saturday morning, I really suggest you do. Go and wander the isles of food. Look, talk, laugh; but most of all EAT!

Enjoy your weekend, P.S.

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