Sunday, May 1, 2011

Cold mornings and panoramics

Canon EOS 7D
2 second exposure
ISO 160
EFS 18-135mm f3.5-5.6 IS @ 32mm

I’ve been in Knysna for the last couple of days and it is definitely feels as though winter has kicked in and is here to stay. The days are getting shorter and there is a biting cold during the nights. Since I have been here I have heard stories from people back in Cape Town of the freezing weather and snow on the mountains in the outlaying areas just inland of Cape Town.

I arrived four days ago, it has rained almost continuously. I found last winter to be quite mild in comparison to the Cape winters I have experienced in the previous years. Weeks went by without rain and although there was a chill in the air, the skies were blue and the sun was shining. Although on occasion, a large front would roll in over Table Bay and drench the streets of Cape Town for a few days. They never stuck around for long and after washing clean the streets of debris left by city goers, the sunny weather would quickly return. Everyone seemed to agree on the idea that a warmer winter was not such a bad thing at all. I don’t think we will have the same luck this year; it’s going to be a cold one, big-time.

One of the nice things about winter is that you don’t have to be awake at half past 4 or 5 in the morning to catch the sunrise. I woke up at ten past six and drove to the beach yesterday morning to try to get some long exposure shots of the water in the morning light and when I arrived there at 20 to seven, the sun hadn’t even begun to rise yet. Walking across the small car park with no shoes on reminded me of how cold it actually was and made me thankful that I had worn 3 jackets. The cold sharp stones of the loosely tarred floor bit into my feet making them sting until they became too numb to feel. The sand was freezing from the cold water and the previous night’s rain but the refreshing smell of the sea air and the sheer beauty of the beach I was standing on made it all worth it.

I got a few shots before it got too light and hurried back to the car for the comfort of the heater. My jeans were soaked from kneeling on the wet sand and I still couldn’t feel my feet. I didn’t get the fantastic pictures that I had been hoping for with pink and orange skies and huge thundering waves, but I did enjoy myself; and at the end of the day I suppose that is what photography is all about.

I thought I would put this other picture up... It’s another of my Photoshop attempts in which I have blended 3 pictures I took on top of lions head into one. Thought it looked quite nice. Nearly died climbing down in the dark though with only one small torch between 3 people. Haha.


Looking forward to winter! And getting a new lens tomorrow!!!

Canon EOS 7D, 3 Photographs
0.8 sec.
ISO 160
EFS 18-135mm f3.5-5.6 IS @ 18mm

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