Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Australian Travels

Canon 7D
1/200 sec.
ISO 320
Sigma 10-20 f4 USM @ 15mm

So I haven't been keeping up to date with my blog recently.. Partly because i've been a little preoccupied with other things but also because for the last 2 months i've been living in Australia!

Whilst I have been here i haven't been doing very much photography and out of the pictures I have taken there hasn't been very many pictures that I felt happy sharing. However, the above picture I thought was quite interesting. I took this in Centennial Park in Sydney. In the middle of the park there is a large group of trees which are home to a large population of bats. I was unaware at first of the hundreds of bats hanging from the trees above me, until one flew right past me and up into the trees to join his mates.

At a point on the path there are carved wooden statues which have been placed between the trees. I overheard a tour guide saying that she didn't know the history behind them or when they had been placed there. After a bit of research I still haven't been able to find out anything about them either so until I do it will remain a mystery!

When I finish going through the photos I have taken here I will hopefully find some shots that I like and will be able to post them. Until then I thought I would upload a few from South Africa which I haven't put up yet.

Until next time...

Baby Owl - Knysna

Cape Town at night

Knysna Elephant park

Musicians in Kalk Bay

Fishing in Kalk Bay

Kalk Bay

Sunset in Knysna

A lamb on the road to Cape Town

Cloudy Skies in Lluandudno 

Wakeboarding - Misverstand River

The streets of Woodstock

Ultimate X - Cape Town

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