Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sea Point Stroll

Canon EOS 7D
1/200th sec.
ISO 400
EFS 18-135mm f3.5-5.6 IS @ 30mm

So every now and again, what I can only describe as a serious lack of creativity turns around and kicks you really hard. Coupled with the fact that I have been suffering from a strange bout of migraines and a serious college workload, I seem to have lost my artistic vision and drive to take photographs. Fearing that it may have been a permanent thing was actually pretty stressful. However, as the headaches subsided and the college work eased up I have been finding myself with a little more free time on my hands which has been a nice opportunity for me to get back out and start taking pictures again without the nagging in the back of my mind that I should be at home completing assignments.

I took a walk along the promenade in Sea Point the other night and was amazed to see how busy it was. There were so many people running, walking, throwing balls for dogs, pushing babies around whilst at the same time a huge swell repeatedly hammered at the sea wall. All this comotion was highlighted against a beautiful backdrop of orange, pinks and blues thrown out by the setting sun. I must admit that it is a really nice way to wind down after a hard day at work.

When you live in Cape Town you begin to take the beautiful scenery for granted after a while, forgetting how lucky you are to live in one of the more beautiful cities in the world. I have travelled pretty extensively and can say that there aren’t too many places in the world quite like it. I mean COME ON!!! It is seriously beautiful here!! How can I live here and feel so uncreative? I would hate to feel how bad it would be if I was in a flat, inland concrete jungle rather than surrounded by majestic mountains and two oceans. But like I said, it’s easy to become complacent. So when I get out and start to walk, climb a mountain or take a drive down the coast, at some point I am guaranteed to get that shaky excited feeling when I look out and find myself surrounded by this beautiful city and landscape. It is all I need to to regain that creative drive within me.

I took this shot as two young women walked past me on the promenade. Silhouetted against the colourful sky I felt this described the perfect evening. Why would you want to walk anywhere else?

Hoping to get out more!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Music and Polo

Canon EOS 7D
1/800th sec.
ISO 200
EFS 18-135mm f3.5-5.6 IS @ 135mm

Over the weekend I attended the MK awards with Joss. The event showcases the top South African artists in the music industry. Basically, the MK awards are the local version of the MTV awards. Unfortunately for me the majority of the talk was all in Afrikaans. I don’t speak any Afrikaans at all but luckily Joss managed to translate most of what was going on to me. It was an interesting evening and it was nice to see some of the more unknown local artists winning awards as well as the more popular ones.

My younger sister was in Cape Town over the weekend with her school on a water polo tour of the Cape. She is 14 and goes to Oakhill in Knysna. Oakhill is pretty small by anyone’s standards, having only about 250 students in total. I completed my last two years of schooling there but was pretty shocked upon arrival when I found out that there were only 25 or so people in my year in comparison to the 150+ in my previous school!

I managed to go and watch a few of the games they played against Herzlia, a school in Oranjezicht, very close to where I live. However, the games started at 8 in the morning on a Sunday! I’m not really one to sleep in late but I don’t particularly enjoy waking up at 7 on a Sunday. Haha, anyways I arrived on time with Joss and my other sister Kiera, who is 21. The games lasted the good part of the morning and by the end we were all cheering them on and shouting at the refs’ stupidity! All in all it was a lot of fun and a pretty interesting morning. I managed to get a couple of shots of one of the 1st team boys’ games. So I will leave you with one of those.

I also thought I would add on this picture of a cheetah from the Tenikwa cat sanctuary. Its one of my favourites so I thought I would post it for you all to see.

Hopefully I can find a few more interesting things to do!!

Until then! P.S.

Nikon D40x
1/200th sec.
ISO 200
Nikon AF 70-210mm f3.5-5.6 @ 210mm